Concept development.”

Rapid prototyping & interaction design

The realisation of your concept should be based on factual insights, not opinions. Rapid prototyping offers clarity by quickly testing assumptions consequently improving your product. By way of a pre-test we identify if the prototype matches the expectations of the target group. The prototype instantly shows if you need to improve user friendliness within the interaction design. Working with this method ensures the quality of your product through each stage of the development process.

  • Determine your conceptual design based on test results
  • Save time and money during the development process
  • Gain insight into how the target group interacts with your product
  • Assures the best possible design and response
  • Guaranteed improvements by testing through all stages
  • Quick prototypes based on best practices
  • From pencil sketches to interactive walkthroughs
  • Target group research and co-creation

Test concepts

Insight into


of usability issues

knmp logo
Little Alice tested the interaction design for the KNMP kennisbank among our target groups. As a result of the implemented optimizations based on the test results, our client satisfaction has increased in usage as well as functionality for the app.”~ Bill Marks


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